Circus-a-Day Project Recap of Week 14
K started Saturday with the idea of prepping some brass for etching, but didn’t have the proper chemicals for etching, so all I did was the stamping. Some turned out better than others… On Sunday, I decided to finish those dratted Fortune Cookie charms, so I could work on the Fortune Teller necklace I’ve been planning for what seems like months. While I was at it, I made a new one from a fortune I found on Saturday while cleaning and I soldered some of the letter charms I’ve had lying around for years. I started with circusy letters, and I have loads more to make, but after about 3 hours of soldering, I decided I needed a break!
M worked on the hair fascinator base she had rescued after the original had been damaged during our recent convention. I removed the veiling and flower, added the black and white striped trim, covered the top with red sequins and added two gold leaves. Still trying to decide what to use as the focal. I am considering
making a flower out of some old zippers. Then on Sunday I woke up with the idea to do some sillhouette art and chose to work on my quilling skills. The curly-qs and harlequins were fun to make and they just lent themselves to making a jester/clown. I am really liking how it turned out and may make several more characters along the same theme!
So, K started her art project this morning around 11am. But because I am so disorganizationally organized, I couldn’t find the right materials to finish the project. So, seven hours later, I finally found the beading wire and crimp tubes I was looking for and was able to make the necklace in under an hour. We found the cameo in an antique store in Kansas, and the beads are Swarovski crystal and Jablonex cathedral beads. The magnetic clasp has been part of my hoard for about 10 years.
M continued her quilling experiments with a Ringmaster face including top hat, monocle, curly moustache, and bow tie! I made the hat but then when gluing it together glued the brim on upside down – GRRR! The moustache is uneven because I used two separate pieces instead of one piece folded in the middle as I started out trying to make a profile silhouette, but it wasn’t turning out well so I switched to a face-on creation. I am not very proud of this one, but I made it… so it counts.
M kept up with the quilling theme she has been adopting this week. I was working in bad lighting so didn’t notice I had grabbed off white paper for his legs until I saw it in the photograph. Oh well, sometimes things like that happen. I particularly like his blue tutu!
K’s contribution was several sets of cufflinks, all made from buttons we found on our way back from Tucson. The two sets of lion cufflinks are fit for any Victorian lion tamer, and the red ones read “Victory & Glory”.
K started the day by finishing four of her Winged Vial Necklaces, filled with lots of tiny gears and sparkly Swarovski crystals. Then, Kara helped M make lots of bustle skirts (photos TK tomorrow), and K masqueraded as the crazy, moustachioed, and armless freak. We had to make an emergency run to Hobby Lobby in search of trims/ribbon for M to finish the bustle skirts and decided to use some of their home decor items to create the word “CIRQUE”. M is counting it as her circus because everything else she was working on didn’t get finished.
We were VERY productive today! M made this glorious brocade bustle skirt with velvet ribbon waistband and contrasting trim. Don’t you just love it! K started work on a thigh-garter holster for one of the many mini cap guns we discovered at antique stores on a recent outing. The holster is mocked up using paper brads instead of rivets so we can work out the details. Then, we’ll be embellishing the ruffly garter idea to include leather, buckles, and filigrees! More fun to come!
Day 98
K’s been working on preparing for the Oklahoma Steampunk Expo, and part of that involves preparing jewelry displays. Well, I got tired of looking at the old, ugly, off-center cuff link displays we made last year. So, I decided to remake them, all pretty-like. I think they turned out pretty sweet looking!
M took an existing hair clip that was just the black and white feathers and added a lace flower she made from some scraps and some heart shaped rhinestone beads. I used the beads to make a little flower, sewed it to the lace flower, then sewed the fl
ower onto the feather fascinator. I was tempted to use glue for time’s sake, but I loathe using glue when a more permanent and less messy option is available.